Christmas is almost here
So the Christmas season is almost upon us and I don't know about you, I always leave Christmas shopping until the last minute. I think I hold out as long as possible until I get pulled into the Christmas spirit, kicking and screaming.
Having said that, I love cooking the family Christmas meal. It's always a little bit fraught. No precise schedule here. Although there is a schedule of sorts.
As always, family will be coming home from their various, jobs and adventures. It's a time to catch up, laughs, argue, cry and be in each others company. And most of all be thankful for what we have, however small it maybe.
The sound of silence is only audible by the chewing. In our house that is a good sign. We don't have fussy eaters. We like our food and especially when all the family are gathered.
We are not a turkey kind of family, so it will be chicken, salmon, roasted veg, some red rice, stuffing and my gluten free christmas pudding and off course. Christmas is not Christmas without my homemade trifle.
Here is a recipe for Gluten Free Christmas pudding, (I posted this last year), its so good that it deserves another posting. And its really simple.
I won't be selling Christmas Puddings this year. But I will make using my own mincemeat recipe and using spelt flour for the pastry. Always a winner.
Here is my recipe for Christmas pudding that you are welcome to try. For me it never fails and always goes down a treat. It's much better than shop bought.
Christmas Gluten Free pudding
Rice, Millet and Quinoa flakes
Juicy vine mixed fruit
date syrup
or Chia seed egg
Dried Cranberries/Cherries
Soak the flakes in Juice and then mix with the rest of the ingredients.
I always add some mixed spice and cinnamon.
Put into your well greased Christmas pudding bowl and cover with greased proof paper
Wrap in foil and or muslin cloth and put to steam in your pressure cooker for 1 hour.
You can also put it above some water to boil on the stove for 2 hours.
Let it cook and on Christmas day put it to heat up above boiling water, or in a pressure cooker.
Serve with brandy butter, cream or custard.
Your choice.
Merry Christmas! Peace to all. Respect to the person who is cooking the big Christmas meal.